Single-Ply Roofing Norfolk, VA

Your typical single-ply roofing in Norfolk, VA will last from 20-25 years on average. There are a lot of factors that go into estimating the life expectancy of single-ply roofing including material, climate, and maintenance. Let’s take a look at some of the life expectancies of each type of single-ply roofing and the variables that can affect life expectancy. If you are interested in single-ply roofing for your commercial building, call Chase Commercial Roofing now at 757-276-1110.

There are many different factors and variables that go into determining the life expectancy of single-ply roofing.

  • Climate- Harsh climates can be harder on your single-ply roofing, particularly extreme temperature changes. The single-ply roofing materials of today are made to withstand extreme temperature changes and are flexible which helps them to expand and contract easier causing fewer cracks and tears.
  • Roofing System Type- Different roofing systems have different life expectancies. Chase Commercial Roofing installs, repairs, and restores EPDM, TPO, and PVC single-ply roofing as well as other roofing systems.
  • Installation- Expert installation is key in determining the life expectancy of your roof and can lengthen it by years. Improper installation can cause your roof to fail within less than 10 years, costing you thousands to replace.
  • Proper Maintenance- Maintenance affects life expectancy so much that just getting regular inspections and keeping up with minor repairs can double the life of your roof.

EPDM or rubber roofing has a typical life expectancy of 25-30 years. EPDM has been used for decades and there are some structures that have solid EPDM roofs that are over 40 years old.

PVC is known for its long life expectancy and its durability. The typical life expectancy of PVC single-ply roofing is 20-30 years and some PVC roofs have lasted for over 30 years. It is more expensive but has the best energy efficiency.

TPO is the newest of the single-ply roofing options and its life expectancy is 15-20 years but it is less expensive than PVC.

If you are considering single-ply roofing in Norfolk, VA for your commercial roof, you can expect energy saving, leak resistance, durability, and strength. Your single-ply roofing installation will not interrupt your business operation and is a quick roofing solution that can be applied to almost any roofing surface.

Chase Commercial Roofing is a full-service, single-ply roofing company. We have been in the roofing business for over 20 years and have built a solid reputation in the area for our quality and service and we enjoy building lifelong relationships with our customers. Give Chase Commercial Roofing a call today at 757-276-1110.